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For Golf Courses - Model GS-GC

$ 67.60

The easy and environmentally sound way to move birds out of the fairway!

  • Standard 6' diameter
  • The color & movement intimidates birds moving them to a more desirable location
  • Stainless Steel 3' center mounting stake
  • Simply Rotates w/least amount of Wind
  • Easy to Move and Install

***Due to the rising costs of shipping, the US Postal Service has implemented a $15.00 non-standard dimensions rate for all Gullsweeps and Gullsweep replacement arms.  This handling charge will be in addition to and reflected in the shipping costs***

The use of Gullsweep® on a golf course can cause substantial bird habit changes. The game plan should be well thought out as to what you want to accomplish over the long haul. By placing Gullsweep® in a problem area, you will move the birds. Re-position Gullsweep® every day, several feet from the previous setting to start herding the birds in a different direction. Primarily to an area out of the line of play, therefore reducing or eliminating the messy problems.

It takes time for the birds to get into a routine habit of following each other. Unfortunately, the birds like your golf course and are not going to leave, but they will be just as happy in a less offensive location.

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